
British Celebs In Need Of Some Serious Fashion Tips

Is it any wonder that we’re in love with TV shows like How to Look Good Naked? We are a nation of fashion victims. With role models like Christina Hamilton and Jordan at the extreme ends of the fashion spectrum, it’s not surprising we are left floundering in front of our wardrobes. So it shouldn’t really come as too much of a shock that Britain has been voted the worst-dressed nation in Europe.As a country, we were once associated with fine tailoring and Savile Row style. But now it seems we’ve lost our fashion way as Europe-wide poll revealed us Brits as having the worst fashion sense. Some rc flying fish suggest that we’ve fallen off the clothes rack thanks to our love of a bargain – ensuring that cheap, mass produced and indistinctive clothes Air Swimmers rule on the High Street. The results reveal all, with a huge 44% of Europeans saying Britain needed to get a grip on its style stakes. Germany came second in the fashion shame league (with 33% of the vote) and not surprisingly, the stylish Italians came out best with just 3% of the vote. Some blame the time-poor culture that the Brits live in with the longest working week of any European country. We simply don’t have the time to shop well, which is why we devour shows that offer fashion tips like How to Good Naked and What Not to Wear. But when you examine some of the fashion choices of those with plenty of time and money on their hands, you could start questioning Britain’s dress sense as being fundamentally flawed. Katie Price is one of the country’s biggest stars and yet part of her celebrity has to be down to the outlandishly awful outfits she chooses to flaunt. On the other end of the fashion scale is the prudish Christine Hamilton, who clearly has time and money to shop but seems to be colour blind when it comes to clothes. In a feature for the Daily Mail, she announced her motto as ‘why wear one colour when six will rc air swimmers do?’ She admits she’s gotten more garish as the years go on. In response to Trinny and Susannah describing her as the third worst dressed woman in Britain, she announced she was offended not to be the first. Is it surprising we’re a nation in dire need of some valuable fashion tips?

