
PLR – Junk Or A Goldmine

Intelligent Internet Marketers have come to realize that PLR materials (Private Label Rights), are as valuable as gold in the online Internet Motorcycle Apparel Marketing community.Why is that? Some of you may have heard that PLR is old, useless JUNK!For starters – not everything old is bad. I have an old chair of my grandmothers that is probably worth several thousand dollars! I also have a chair that I purchased a few years ago that is probably worth about $50! But lets compare apples to apples, you say?All right, consider this scenario: You are promoting a product in the skincare/acne niche. You were one of the lucky few as a teenager and never had many zits – so your knowledge base on the subject is a bit limited. Now, to promote your affiliate product you'll want to write some articles and maybe set up a small “informational” website. So you're going to have to do some research to learn a little about your niche.Three hours later you have a good handle on what acne is all about and are ready to write 10 articles on the subject to get your campaign going.MEANWHILE – a competitor, who signed up for the same program at the same time, and has the same amount of knowledge about acne, has ten PLR articles on the subject. He rewote all 10 articles in about two hours (It takes about 10-20 minutes for each article) AND has already submitted them. Now he is well on his way to developing a nice informational website as well, because he has a PLR ebook on acne that he can edit and use for content. Within another few hours, he'll have that up and running along with a nice freebie for his opt-in list. (maybe a nice PLR report on acne to get potential customers interested).Where does that leave you? In His Dust! Your competitor is working on ANOTHER campaign while you're still struggling Motor Parts to write your first 10 articles.Even PLR that is technologically out of date can be valuable. How often have you spent hours wracking your brain just trying to come up with IDEAS for what to write an article on? Cell phones have changed dramatically even in only the past 3 years. Yet the IDEA or subject matter of an article is still good. You may have to rewrite and research, but at least you are now focused and have a goal in mind. You know where you're going with the subject matter.This is the true value of PLR – research and time. Time is money.

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